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After you have watched this episode, please tell me:

Do you think you’ll try out one of the apps I mentioned? Do you already use any of them? Let me know! If there are any apps you use that you think I should try, make sure to comment!

Do me a favor and let me know in a comment below. If you want to get some good virtual karma going, then don’t forget to share the details in your answer! Why? Because each day a gorgeous woman who is interested in wellness comes here looking for advice and inspiration – your story could save her years of unnecessary struggle!

Your thoughtful comments really make my day and keep me motivated to keep sharing all my tips with you! I love it!

P.S. If someone you know and love could benefit from this video, build your virtual karma and share it with them!

You are well on your way,


I’m Rachael.


I am a business mindset coach. I help you master your mind so you can create a life and business of meaning… even if you have no idea where to start.

If you are ready to fast track your entrepreneurial success, you are in the right place. And it all starts with that gorgeous mind of yours.

Wishing you all my best,



















How many times have you looked at your phone and felt completely overwhelmed with the number of emails filling up your inbox? How many times have you scrolled through Instagram or Facebook and felt totally insecure about your life or body? Have you ever even considered the possibility of your phone becoming the source of your relief and not the cause of your stress?

95% of people make their phone a source of stress. Truth. Only about 5% know how to use them to their advantage.

What I’ve witnessed is that people are controlled by their phones. How many times have you been out with friends and their phone vibrates and immediately they check it?

I even find myself doing it sometimes!

This creates an immediate disconnect (and it’s rude.!) Am I right?

How quickly do you put whatever you’re working on down to check your phone? Most people say, what if it’s an emergency?

You’ll know when it’s an emergency and it won’t be through SnapChat or Facebook. Whoever’s calling would be calling nonstop!

The way I turn my phone into a powerful tool is by first, turning off notifications. It’s simple to do and will change your life. Then designate a few times a day to check it, slowing yourself down in the process. Reviewing our messages gives us plenty of time to think about our responses. Something we all can be a little more mindful of. Don’t you think?

I also use apps!

Here are 5 apps that I know benefit female entrepreneurs to become more mindful, efficient, and productive in their own daily lives:


There is great power in your own unique purpose. Dare to
connect with that purpose, and let it energize your every

1. Audible – I’m sure you’ve heard of it already, but if you haven’t, Audible is an app that allows you to listen to your favorite books anywhere at any time! I can’t put into words how this simple app has changed my life. I absolutely love reading books about wellness and health, but I never seem to have time to sit down, relax and really take in all I was reading. Before downloading this app it would take me a month or two to get through a book! Now it takes me less than a week to get through some of my favorites like, “The Power of Positive Thinking,” by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. I listen to books while I’m on my way to speaking engagements, while grocery shopping, or cleaning the house. Point is, this app lets you constantly fill your mind with the most amazing ideas and concepts, no matter where you are or what you’re doing!

2. Simply Being – This app has been highly recommended by Huffington Post, Yoga Journal, The NY Times and Self Magazine! Meditation Oasis say it is their most popular app to date. This app makes meditation easy, and I absolutely love it! Simply Being is a GAME CHANGER. All I need is 10 minutes. No matter where I am or what I have going on, I can relax and center myself. After a long day’s work, when my neck is hurting from that heavy ol’ crown, it can be hard to encourage myself to take the time to meditate but this app makes it so, so easy. It’s like having an instructor right there with me! I even find myself writing down tips and notes from this app for when I am instructing others. Whether you’re already achieving levitation while meditating (teach meeeee how!) or a beginner, this app is a great place to start!

3. Evernote – If you don’t use Evernote, you should. It offers WAY MORE than just note-taking. This is also a “cross-platform” app, It syncs with all your devices that you are signed into Evernote with! BUT WAIT, IT GETS BETTER! You can create to-do lists and manage projects; it’s not just for notes! If you’re like a lot of my readers who are female entrepreneurs, you’re probably always jotting down your next business idea or looking all over your house for your gratitude journal. Get with it girl! BUT WAIT, THERE’s MORE! Evernote is like having your business journal, your gratitude journal, and your to do list all in your pocket. I like to create a checklist so I know I’m always on the right track emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Plus you can use it on your phone and computer… FOR FREE. You’re welcome. Gorgeous Mind, CHECK!

4. Calm – This might just be one of my favorite apps ever, hands down. This app offers guided meditation, relaxing music, breathing programs and even sleep stories! Calm is highly rated and recommended for reducing anxiety and stress. It even offers a body scan for heart rate and breathing. When I’m anxious and unable to sleep after a long day and looking at tomorrow’s schedule, the sleep stories are a blessing in helping me calm down and get a good night’s rest. I switch between Simply Being and Calm for guided meditation (they are both too good to pick just one) and the relaxation music they offer is, well… relaxing (reminds me of my mom singing me to sleep as a kid). When it comes to yoga and meditation, breathing is a HUGE factor, and the breathing programs really make an impact on focusing and centering myself. Also, their twitter feed is incredible and inspiring. You should definitely follow them if you don’t already!

5. Headspace – This might be the ultimate mindfulness and meditation app available. They have actual scientists behind the development of this app. Their goal is to promote mindfulness and compassion worldwide (I copied that from their site) and let me tell you, it works. One of their main focuses is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. What that means is that it works to rewire your brain into always being mindful, compassionate and helping shape the way you look at the world. Let’s be honest, it’s not always easy to keep your cool or to be cheerful but when you put mindfulness into practice it does more than just relax you and provide clarity; it helps change the way you interact with the world and the people around you. There is so much research behind how your brain and your thoughts affect the way your body feels, and since using this app, I feel genuinely happier and more at peace. Now don’t get me wrong, even Mother Teresa couldn’t bring the world as a whole, peace, but as Ghandi said, be the change you want to see. Do yourself a favor and download this app NOW. You will be so glad you did.

The Mindset Killer Hiding In Your Kitchen

The Mindset Killer Hiding In Your Kitchen

I'm Rachael, I am a business mindset coach. I help you master your mind so you can create a life and business of meaning… even if you have no idea where to start. If you are ready to fast track your entrepreneurial success, you are in the right place. And it all...

Identifying Your Super Power

Identifying Your Super Power

I'm Rachael, I am a business mindset coach. I help you master your mind so you can create a life and business of meaning… even if you have no idea where to start. If you are ready to fast track your entrepreneurial success, you are in the right place. And it all...

Rachael Todd featured on the Doctors!

Rachael Todd featured on the Doctors!

I'm Rachael, I am a business mindset coach. I help you master your mind so you can create a life and business of meaning… even if you have no idea where to start. If you are ready to fast track your entrepreneurial success, you are in the right place.  And it all...


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