I’m Rachael,

I am a business mindset coach. I help you master your mind so you can create a life and business of meaning even if you have no idea where to start. If you are ready to fast track your entrepreneurial success, you are in the right place. And it all starts with that gorgeous mind of yours.

Wishing you all my best,  


In today’s video I’m… a bit reluctant to give you the truth about being Miss United States.

Many of you have been asking why I continue to compete even at the age of… 30.I started competing in pageants because honestly, I wanted to be the Queen of UCF.I saw a poster in the commons that said “Do You Want To Be Miss UCF?”I raised my hand, and said Yes I Do.

My boyfriend had just broken up with me and I thought, this will make him wish he had never hurt me like he did.

I wasn’t incredibly successful, in my first pageant I won first runner up in my first pageant. Second runner up in Miss UCF, the second time.

Down the road when I found myself at Miss Florida things were a different story, but you’ll have to check out my other posts to hear more about the journey in between.

To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing when I first got involved. I didn’t know about walking across a stage, or presenting and representing a platform or even interview with judges.

I knew this, I had a love for public speaking, an education and understanding of communications and I wanted to represent those around me. I had been on stage for Irish Step Dancing but that was about about it.

What I learned from pageantry, and what it’s done for me personally..

It has shown me that those judges, when they put me in the position of Miss Florida in 2009, saw something in me that I couldn’t see in myself.

They saw the potential of what I could be, and what I could put out into the world.

The missing element was, I didn’t believe in me, I didn’t see the potential that they could.

To me, at first, I was just wearing a sparkly crown, and I was just being looked at.

I thought the judges made a mistake, that I didn’t have value. I had to step into the role of representing a platform that I truly did believe in and carry myself in a confident way; and realize that I could implement real change.

When I didn’t win Miss America, I was hurt. I thought I was capable of winning, I just didn’t believe in myself. That was 2010.



There is great power in your own unique purpose. Dare to
connect with that purpose, and let it energize your every


I took 7 years off from competing, which wasn’t unusual for me because I hadn’t really been enveloped in that world beforehand. What I learned in those 7 years from my experiences and the change it created in me prepared me as a woman and an entrepreneur to carry myself in a more confident way, I learned to promote myself and to believe in myself. That the cause that burdened me is what made me stronger, and the passion I saw in my own mother inspired me to push for what I could achieve and those I could affect.

I learned I had value.

When I competed for Miss United States, after winning the Miss Florida (different pageant circuit lol) I stepped into the pageant with my head up high. I believed in myself, and I didn’t see myself losing, I envisioned it and planned for it. I worked day and night to get there. I did it for me.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vB4QeCSH_ns" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

After you have watched this episode, tell me:

What you heard today; did it surprise you? Did it sound strange to hear that someone with very little experience took on a whole new challenge and after persevering succeeded? Did it surprise you that it took failure to get a win? We all face hard times and long roads, but those who never give up are the ones who make it. What is a major challenge you faced, and overcame obstacles to rise above? What kind of adversity have you faced? I want to welcome you to share your struggles because the more we share, the more we find that we all share many stories and experiences. We are all in this together.

Do me a favor and let me know in a comment below. If you want to get some good virtual karma going then don’t forget to share the details in your answer! Why? Because each day a gorgeous woman who is interested in wellness comes here looking for advice and inspiration – your story could save her years of unnecessary struggle!

Your thoughtful comments really make my day and keep me motivated to keep sharing all my tips with you! I love it!

P.S. If you think someone you know and love would enjoy this video, build your virtual karma and share it with them!

You are well on your way,


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